Train Your Higher Mind for Success - Vibration Law Vol.3
By Unknown - February 28, 2018

In Islamic Teaching
«الأرواحُ جنودٌ مجنَّدةٌ . فما تعارف منها ائتَلَف . وما تناكَر منها اختلف» رواه البخاري ومسلم.
"The spirits are like armed soldiers, if they know one another, they will unite, and if they deny one another they will part."
[Bukhori-Muslim hadith]
Here is a fact that we have a frequency wave of the same frequency with others. There is an old saying, birds with the same feathers flock together. People who share common interests and traits usually come together. When described simply, the heart is a radio transmitter capable of capturing quanta waves. This quanta wave is at a frequency of 99.0 AH (Asma'ul Husna). If your radio transmitter is good, turn the tuning on a frequency of 99.0 AH. You will be able to listen to the highlights of nature's energy.
Here's one way how to Activate Your Higher Mind for Succes :
Activate Your Higher Mind for Success
Subconscious Mind Programming
Mind / Body Integration
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