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When does a human species live on earth?

By Unknown - February 18, 2018

For decades scientists conducted research on African soil to prove the existence of fossils from the human phase - fossils older than the Australopithecus species phase similar to apes or species phases of homo sapiens. Since it is still recorded, the oldest fossil discovery of the homo sapiens species was 2.3 to 2.4 million years ago.

Scientists have recently discovered human fossils that are older than ever recorded in history. The fossil found in Ethiopia is a human fossil 2.8 million years old, 4 years older than the last fossil age found.

"There is a considerable time span between the discovery of homo sapiens fossils that were 2.5 million to 3 million years ago, so the two fossils are not interconnected with the previous fossils." explained lead researcher Brian Vilmoare, a paleo-anthropologist.

The fossils were discovered by members of the Chalachew Seyoum team in 2013 in a research area in the Ledi-Geraru region, an area in Ethiopia. "There are a lot of fossils found on one of the hills in the area, and they are probably fossilized bones of dead animals," he explained.

The oldest human fossil called LD 350-1 is the left side of the mandible or the lower jaw of a human, complete with five teeth.
This news was released by National Geography in March 2015[more...]

"The anthropologists have been convinced that humans have flourished from the mainland of East Africa since 200,000 years ago. This belief has been going on for two decades thanks to a variety of searches for genetic evidence and data from the fossil record."

Homo Sapien
(Human Species believed to be the Father of Modern Humans)
However, recent findings have shown other evidence that scientists must rewrite a new history of human origins. In a study published in Nature, an international team of researchers has described the discovery of 22 Homo Sapiens fossils in Morocco that are over 300,000 years old.

According to the researchers, the fossil is the oldest ever found throughout history. Interestingly, this fossil was found in an unexpected location of human existence.

The oldest 260,000-year-old fossils were found in South Africa. Meanwhile, the other oldest invention aged 195 thousand years found in Ethiopia.

But the discovery this time makes the doubt that humans actually came from the African Continent 200 thousand years ago.

"Our findings challenge this image in several ways," says paleoanthropologist Jean-Jacques Hublin of the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany, who led the study. "There is no Garden of Eden in Africa, or if there is a Garden of Eden, it is Africa, the Garden of Eden is the size of Africa."

Not all the fossils described are new inventions. Six of 22 specimens were discovered in the 1960s due to mining in locations around Marakkesh and the Atlantic coast of Morocco.

At the time of the initial discovery, the scientists concluded that the fossil was about 40,000 years old. However, Marean thought the period did not seem to be accurate when viewed from the form of fossil bones that seemed too primitive for their relatively young age.

In addition, evidence of plants and animals found in the same location with bone did not match the environmental conditions existing in the area 40,000 years ago.

Hublin and his colleagues also felt that the fossil was inaccurate and wanted to do something. They visited Jebel Irhoud several times throughout the 1980s and 90s until finally officially commenced excavation in 2004.
During the research, the team found 16 additional bone hominins, as well as stone artifacts that fit the Middle Stone Age. They also found a deer bone showing that the animal was accidentally slaughtered and cooked on fire.
This news was released by CNN in June 2017 [more...]

The Atapuerca Mountains (Spanish: Sierra de Atapuerca) is a karstic hill formation near the village of Atapuerca in Castile and León, northern Spain. In a still ongoing excavation campaign of the hominin residents in Western Europe. This "exceptional reserve of data" has served as the preferred occupation site of Homo erectus, Homo antecessor (Homo erectus antecessor) and Homo heidelbergensis communities. The earliest specimen yet unearthed and reliably dated confirmation between 1.2 Million and 600,000 years. The site was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, under the name, Archaeological Site of Atapuerca. [more...]

This is one of the most interesting human fossils of scientists, a fossil discovered in Spain in 1995. The fossil was found in a cave called Gran Dolina in the Atapuerca region of Spain by three Spanish paleoanthropologists from the University of Madrid. The fossil is an 11-year-old boy who is completely like a modern man. In fact, the boy died 800,000 years ago.

The latest evidence that destroyed the claim of the theory of evolution on human origins is the new fossil of Sahelanthropus tchadensis unearthed in the Chadian country of Central Africa, summer 2002. The fossil has disrupted the world of Darwinism. The world-class journal Nature acknowledges that "The newly discovered skull can abort our idea of ​​human evolution." The reason: although the fossil is more than 7 million years old, its structure is more "human-like" (according to the criteria often evolved by evolutionists) compared with the 5 million-year-old Australopithecus ape species (considered the "oldest ancestor of mankind")

The fossils were discovered in the Djurab Desert of Chad by Frenchman Alain Beauvilain and three Chadians, Adoum Mahamat, Djimdoumalbaye Ahounta, and Gongdibé Fanoné, members of the Mission paleoanthropologique Franco-tchadienne led by Michel Brunet.All known material of Sahelanthropus was found between July 2001 and March 2002 at three sites: TM 247, TM 266, which yielded most of the material, including a cranium and a femur, and TM 292. The discoverers claimed that S. tchadensis is the oldest known human ancestor. [more...]

The bones were found far from the most previous hominin fossil finds, which are from Eastern and Southern Africa. However, an Australopithecus bahrelghazali mandible was found in Chad by Mamelbaye Tomalta, Najia and Alain Beauvilain, Michel Brunet and Aladji H.E. Moutaye as early as 1995. With the sexual dimorphism known to have existed in early hominins, the difference between Ardipithecus and Sahelanthropus may not be large enough to warrant a separate species for the latter.

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