What is the story of the souls of those who are slain in the way of Allah? [H.27]
By Unknown - February 08, 2018
The 27th Hadith:
From Masyruq, he said: we ask - or I ask - Abdullah - that is Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud - on the following verse:
"Think not of those who are slain in the way of Allah, even those living by his Lord by getting sustenance. " (Ali-Imran [3] : 169).
Ibn 'Abbas said, know really I have actually asked the verse (to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم), then He صلى الله عليه و سلم said,
"Their souls are in the green birds that have the lamps hanging in' Arsy, (their soul) flies to heaven according to their will, and then returns to the lamp, then their Lord comes to them and says, 'Is there something you want?', they replied, 'What else do we want, whereas we are free to fly to heaven of our will ', and it is asked to them three times, and when they realize that they will not be left behind (not asked again) until they ask something, they then say,' O our Lord, we hope that You will return our spirit to in our bodies, until we are slain again in thy way a second time ', when God sees that they have no intention / keing inan other, then they are left behind (not asked again) ".
(Narrated by Muslims, as well as at-Tirmidhi, an-Nasai and Ibn Majah.)
Hadits Ke-27 :
Dari Masyruq, beliau berkata: kami bertanya – atau aku bertanya – kepada Abdullah – maksudnya adalah Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud – mengenai ayat berikut :
"Janganlah kamu mengira bahwa orang-orang yang gugur di jalan Allah itu mati; bahkan mereka itu hidup disisi Tuhannya dengan mendapat rezeki." (Ali-Imran[3]:169).
Ibnu Abbas berkata, ketahuilah sesunguhnya aku benar – benar telah menanyakan ayat tersebut (kepada Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم), maka Beliau صلى الله عليه و سلم bersabda,
“Ruh-ruh mereka didalam burung-burung berwarna hijau yang memiliki pelita-pelita yang tergantung di ‘Arsy, (ruh mereka) terbang ke surga sesuai kehendak mereka, dan kemudian kembali ke pelita, kemudian Tuhan mereka mendatangi mereka dan berfirman, ‘Apakah ada sesuatu yang kalian inginkan?’, mereka menjawab, ‘Adakah lagi yang kami inginkan, sedangkan kami bebas terbang ke surga sekehendak kami’, dan hal tersebut ditanyakan kepada mereka tiga kali, dan ketika mereka menyadari bahwa mereka tidak akan ditinggalkan (tidak ditanya lagi) hingga mereka meminta sesuatu, mereka selanjutnya berkata, ‘Wahai Tuhan kami, kami berharap kiranya Engkau kembalikan ruh kami ke dalam jasad kami, hingga kami terbunuh kembali di jalan-Mu untuk kedua kalinya’, tatkala Allah melihat bahwa mereka tidak memiliki hajat/keinginan lain lagi, maka mereka ditinggalkan (tidak ditanya lagi)”.
(Diriwayatkan oleh Muslim, begitu juga oleh at-Tirmidzi, an-Nasai dan Ibnu Majah.)
40 Qudsi Hadith
Hadith Qudsi is a hadith containing the word of Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى (the meaning of this hadith is from Allah سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى), while the sentence is with the editors of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم
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