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The Amazing of Water Experiments

By Unknown - February 27, 2018

Water is the main source of support for living things. Water was one of God's earliest creations. Modern science has proven various miracles of water. and here's a compilation of some amazing experiments about water.

1. It's amazing, informative and interesting Physics Science Experiments that you can do at home to repeat. Treat your household and friends of the wonderful tricks, and your knowledge of physics. Physical experiments and Science Tricks is cool and amazing!
a. Experiment with a candle - burn oxygen and draws water
b. Boiling water at low pressure - temperature below 100 ° C
c. Swinging burning candle
d. The laser beam in a teacup

Amazing Physics Tricks

2. Super Cool Science Experiments You Can Do At Home

 3. Experiments Using Water That We Do not Expect The Result

Related Article :

The Miracle of Water

To Freeze Water in an Instant

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