After we discuss: [Search Engine Optimization: Meaning and Purpose] and [How Search Engines Work in General], Our next important step is to determine "the main / principal theme" of the Web or blog that we create. Broadly speaking, most people make Web and Blogs in two types: Articles / News and Sales. We may combine the two types, but better if they are separated. Create "A Communicative Page", so your Web or Blog visitors are not confused.Convenience is one of the key web and your blog will be a lot of visitors.
How To Register Blog To Search Engine ?
In any case, we must acknowledge the existence and existence of the existing large Web Sites, such as Google, Yahoo !, Microsoft, etc. After the site so, it can not necessarily be able to get into the search engine list.
Google and Bing which is a search engine that is widely used today, there are many other search engines that can be an alternative to be a place submite blog. The more search engines that index the blog, the more likely visitors will be more traffic.
Open an Account first on some famous sites. Submit your site to search engines like Google, Yahoo!, Bing, etc.
How To Sign Up A Blog Into Google Search Engine:
1. First login to your Google account
2. Then visit this link
3. Enter your blog url and write captha code visible on the screen
Write blogs to as many Search Engine as possible so that blogs and articles indexed, then optimize SEO for indexed articles can appear on the front page of search results when visitors typed in keywords related to articles on the blog.
There is a more practical way for your site to be registered to various Search engines together. The trick is as follows:
1. Open / click on the site of the following service providers: Top 50 Search Engines and Directories, this site is free.

2. Fill in the site information you own then Submit.
3. You will see a description that the Verification Link has been sent to the email you entered earlier.
4. Close the freewebsubmission page and log into your email account. Search email from freewebsubmission in email inbox. If no, check the spam folder on gmail and yahoo email or Junk folder if you use hotmail email.
5. The freewebsubmission page will open in a new tab and you will see the page view.
Click the "Submit Your Site"
6. Chek your e-mail :
7. Click : "Verify Membership" first
8. Back to your e-mail, look at and click :
"Using the verification link constitutes your acceptance of the FreeWebSubmission terms:
http://www.freewebsubmission. com/terms.html"
9. By Submitting Your Sites :
10. Click : "Click to Complete", follow the steps in it.
"Some other Search engines require Verification via email to complete the registration process of your blog. We recommend that you diligently open the email you use when registering a blog to Search Engines with Freewebwubmition to verify.
Hopefully these tips successfully increase visitor traffic to your blog."
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