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Penetrating Space & Time Vol.1 : Atomic Clock

By Unknown - February 10, 2018

Is it true ? Is there? Can it be done?
Of the various questions that come to mind. What if it is associated with the Qur'an and modern Science?
Why do we take the Qur'an instead of another book? The Qur'an is not a Book of Sciences, but the Qur'an keeps a lot of information, past, and future information. Therefore, lately the truth of the Qur'an is much expressed by Modern Science.
[ read more : The Concept of Space and Time According to Islamic Teaching ]

Theory of Relativity According to Islam

Before we discuss further about "Penetrating the Left of Time" (Penetrating the Aisle of Time), we will first discuss about 'time'. According to modern science, there are some scientific facts about the 'times' we rarely know. Time is the fourth dimension known to man. Time is used to sort events that happened in the past, now, to the future.

If you go to WIKIPEDIA, the time is the whole set of moments when the process, deeds, or circumstances are on or on. In this case, the time scale is an interval between two states / events, or it could be the length of an event. The types of timers or clocks are:

  • Sunlight
  • Analog clock
  • Digital clock
Sunlight Clock

Time has been the subject of research from various fields of science: religion, philosophy, to science. Many scientists in this world believe that time is one of the main foundations for our universe. In fact, some of them are known to make tools that can travel through time, just to return to the past or penetrate the future.
Here we will discuss one by one some facts about time:

Atomic Clock

An atomic clock is a type of clock that uses the standard atomic resonant frequency as its counter. Early atomic clock is maser with other equipment. The current best atomic frequency standards are based on more advanced physics involving cold atoms and atomic fountains.

NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology of the United States) maintains the accuracy of 10-9 seconds per day, and precision is equal to the frequency of the transmitter radio that pumps the maser. This clock maintains a stable and sustainable time scale, the International Atomic Time (TAI). For community use, other time scales are used, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). UTC is derived from TAI, but synchronized with the passage of days and nights based on astronomical observations.

The first atomic clock was made in 1949 at the National Bureau of Standards. The first accurate atomic clock, based on the transition of cesium-133 atoms, was made by Louis Essen in 1955 at the National Physical Laboratory in Britain. This leads to an international agreement that explains the seconds as the basis of atomic time.

In August 2004, NIST scientists demonstrated a chip-scale atomic clock. According to the researchers, this hour is the size of one hundredth of any other hour that has been there before. And they claim that this clock only requires 75 milliwatt, making it suitable for battery-intensive applications.

Modern radio clocks use atomic clocks as a reference, and provide a way of getting the time provided by high-quality atomic clocks in large areas using inexpensive devices.

How the Atomic Clock Works

How to Convert a Normal Clock into an Atomic Clock In another explanation:

When doing research on objects of outer space or prehistoric objects, scientists use the most accurate clocks on earth as their time benchmark. The clock is currently stored at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Colorado, USA.
NIST-F1, which is now also the main US time standard, works by noting the vibrations of Cesium atoms, which are then known by seconds. Amazingly, this Cesium clock will not be a second late for 300 million years.

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